
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2023

Gender differences and sexual intimacy

  Hello guys! Welcome to another blog. This week we are going to  talk about sexual intimacy and how gender differences and lack of communication can bring some misunderstandings and problems in a relationship.   By nature, m en and wome n are different. Both genders feel and have different perspectives. Due to that, sometimes it can be difficult for couples to understand the way of feeling of the other person .   One important thing in a relationship is sexual intimacy. In my opinion , this is a n act that should be done only between a married couple. The emotional intens ity of this act is so strong that if there is no commitment or true love involved it can be really harmful . Also, in a religious view, it is the ultimate symbol of total union, a totality, and a union ordained and defined by God.   As I said, m e n and wom e n are different in a lot of things, and one of them is sexual intimacy. For example, women take more time to become sexually aroused, whereas for man is v

Is wedding planning important?

Hello guys, welcome to another blog! This week we talked about something that I have never realize d , but thinking a bout a nd discussing it, made me have another vision of respect ing this situa t ion. I am talking about wedding planning.   There is no doubt that one of the most special days in our lives is our wedding day. If we are not cohabiting, that day means a big change in all aspects of life. After that moment you are going to share every day with your partner, living in the same place an d making a life together. When you get married you decide to connect your goals and experiences with another person on your side. For that reason, a lot of couples want to have a big party to celebrate this new life. I think that it is important to make something special for that day. As I said, this is one of the most important day s in our lives. But could  too big celebration   be detrimental for the relationship?   In the United S t ates, the average that a couple spend s on

Cohabitate before marriage?

Hello! How are you guys? Today I would like to talk about something very common these days. I'm talking about cohabiting in a relationship. Some years ago, it was more common that couples to get married after dating for some time. Maybe it is because cultural things have changed or because new generations are more afraid of commitment. But the reality is that every day it is more usual that couples prefer to cohabit with their partners instead of getting married .   Is there something wrong with the idea of living with a person before getting married? A lot of people thin k that actually it is a very good way to get to know their partner deeply. Some people state that living with your partner can help you to know if you really want to live with that person and get married someday. Also, in that way you can see and know the behaviors of that person which could be more difficult to see if you do not share day by day with your partner. However, is this really true ? C