Gender differences and sexual intimacy

 Hello guys! Welcome to another blog. This week we are going to talk about sexual intimacy and how gender differences and lack of communication can bring some misunderstandings and problems in a relationship.  By nature, men and women are different. Both genders feel and have different perspectives. Due to that, sometimes it can be difficult for couples to understand the way of feeling of the other person.  

One important thing in a relationship is sexual intimacy. In my opinion, this is an act that should be done only between a married couple. The emotional intensity of this act is so strong that if there is no commitment or true love involved it can be really harmful. Also, in a religious view, it is the ultimate symbol of total union, a totality, and a union ordained and defined by God.  

As I said, men and women are different in a lot of things, and one of them is sexual intimacy. For example, women take more time to become sexually aroused, whereas for man is very much easier and quicker. This situation can bring frustration if it is not understood.  

For men, sex is something external, whereas for women is internal. Maybe for that reason, women have the necessity to feel safe and emotionally close to their husbands. But for man, it is the opposite. They need to have sex to feel emotionally connected and loved for his couple. This difference between genders can bring some problems to the relationship. The woman can think that his couple do not love her. She can think that the man just wants to have physical experiences with her and that he only likes her because of her body. On the other hand, man can feel that she does not love him because she does not want to have sex. This situation is just a lack of communication. I think that the key to having a successful marriage and sexual intimacy is communication. Man and woman should express their feelings. In that way, both can understand better their affective and emotional needs.  

Another interesting thing that we talked about in class was that the more sexual partners you have, the harder it is to make emotional connections. I never thought about that before. I think that when you give something so personal and intimate without any real commitment like marriage and then that person has some bad behavior or the person breaks your trust, can be easy to “build” an emotional shield.  

One metaphor about sexual intimacy that I heard in class that I really liked is that sex is like a big and fragile wedding gift. This gift should be unwrapped carefully and without a hurry. Man, and women have to express their feelings, insecurities, and thoughts about sexual intimacy to share this beautiful act of love.  


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