
Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2023

Family culture

Hi everyone! I am very excited to share with you some things that I learned.   In this week’s class , we talked about something that I never thought about before but that makes a lot of sense to me. We discussed “ family culture ” . This concept refers to all the ideas, costumes, morals, traditions , and  behavior that people can inherit from their immediate family or extended family and ancestors. Although we may think that we are absent from this kind of impact on our personality,  Consciously or unconsciously, family culture influences our way of thinking and acting.    Each family culture is unique because any family shares the same habits and beliefs. Having a healthy family culture is essential for the future of our kids because in the future they could  follow all these attitudes and behaviors learned in their own famil ies . We should seek to build a family culture based on high moral values and respect .   Talking about family cultures in my class made me thin

Family roles

  Hi! This is my second blog; I am very excited to share with you guys something that we talked about in my family relations class this week . In my opinion , families are the foundation of society . Also, in my religious view as a  member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints, building a family should be our priority in life, so it is very interesting for me to talk about these topics.   Something that we talked about in the last class was the family system theory . I could feel very relate d to this topic. This theory states that in families there are roles that   each memb er of the family play s .    Each family is unique, and members of the family have different ways to interact with each other. These roles can give balance and stability to the family and make us act predictably, but they also can make members of the family overwhelmed or leave them with the obligation to always act according to the role.   I think that this is a very common situation

Family structures matter?

Hello! This is my first blog where I will talk about what we discussed in my family relations class.   Undoubtedly one of the most controversial issues these days is if same-sex parents should be able to adopt children or not. Some years ago, it was not a topic that was discussed a lot. Marriage between a man and woman was the structure accepted by society but now there are a lot of different types of family structures.       In class, we discussed and read a study that talks about if family structures have an impact on child development. Some people believe that children need to have a traditional family (Mom and Dad) to have a healthy development and. We all have different opinions about this issue, but it was very interesting to discuss whether or not family structures matter related to kids .       We read an APA (American Psychology Association) study that talks about this issue. According to this report lesbian and gays parents' do not have a bad impact on child development.