Family roles

 Hi! This is my second blog; I am very excited to share with you guys something that we talked about in my

family relations class this week. In my opinion, families are the foundation of society. Also, in my religious view as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints, building a family should be our priority in life, so it is very interesting for me to talk about these topics. 

Something that we talked about in the last class was the family system theory. I could feel very related to this topic. This theory states that in families there are roles that each member of the family plays.  Each family is unique, and members of the family have different ways to interact with each other. These roles can give balance and stability to the family and make us act predictably, but they also can make members of the family overwhelmed or leave them with the obligation to always act according to the role.  

I think that this is a very common situation in families. In my own family, many times I have felt that way. I feel that in my family I have the role of the “good girl”. I am a very quiet person and a little bit shy and introverted, it is not difficult for me to follow rules and many times also have the role of “peacemaker.” Unlike my brother, he is very extroverted. When we were kids, he was always in trouble. He has a very funny personality, so I think that this role in the family is “The clown.” He also, plays a lot of instruments; At family reunions, he always performs so I would say that he also has the role of “The showman.” However, my brother has told me that sometimes he feels tired, and he would like to not have to be the funny guy or the entertainment for the family.  

These roles do not occur in isolation, but rather are connected and interact with each other. For example, if one of the parents gets angry easily the other parent can act in the opposite way to find a balance in the relationship. I never realized this situation, but I think it is very common in families. 

What do you think about this guy? Are family roles something that gives stability to the family or, should we avoid this kind of label?  


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