Family structures matter?

Hello! This is my first blog where I will talk about what we discussed in my family relations class. 

Undoubtedly one of the most controversial issues these days is if same-sex parents should be able to adopt children or not. Some years ago, it was not a topic that was discussed a lot. Marriage between a man and woman was the structure accepted by society but now there are a lot of different types of family structures. 


In class, we discussed and read a study that talks about if family structures have an impact on child development. Some people believe that children need to have a traditional family (Mom and Dad) to have a healthy development and. We all have different opinions about this issue, but it was very interesting to discuss whether or not family structures matter related to kids.  


We read an APA (American Psychology Association) study that talks about this issue. According to this report lesbian and gays parents' do not have a bad impact on child development. But in class, we could analyze that, in fact, this study has a lot of inconsistencies and questionable results.  


First of all, we could see that comparison groups in the investigations were small, unrepresentative, and with a lack of diversity among the families studied. Also, the research didn’t focus on how these family structures could have an impact on kids, but the study focused on psychologists' and parents’ opinions and views. Therefore, the results of this study could not be completely trustworthy. I think that to have more correct results research should focus on how kids react and develop in these family structures.  


I am not an expert on this topic, but in my opinion family structures have an impact on child development. I think that men and women have unique and essential characteristics that give children balance and healthy development that maybe they cannot have if they have same-sex parents.  We all have our own opinions and views about this, all of the points of view are valid and might be respected but I think that it is interesting to talk about this kind of controversial and actual discussion in class to develop our opinion with information and studies.  


What do you guys think about this situation? Are you agree or disagree that same-sex parents can adopt children? Do you think that gender matters regardless of child development? Leave a comment, I want to know your opinion! 


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