Making decisions as a couple

 Hello guys! I am very excited about this new weekly blog. Today I am going to talk about something very important in a relationship. I am talking about taking decisions. People have to take decisions every day in several different situations, while some of them are of little relevance, others may define our future. In a relationship, it is essential to know how to communicate with your partner to take decisions together.  

In class, we were sharing who most takes decisions in our family. Some people said that their fathers and others their mothers. Others said that their parents take decisions together. Growing up in my family dad my dad worked in the army, so he didn't spend much time at home. On the other hand, my mom was a stay home mom. Due to that, she was the one who made the decisions about me and my brother. For example, if I wanted to go to a party or something like that, I knew that I had to ask my mom. Even if I asked my dad, he was going to tell me “Ask your mom” or “What does your mom say However, when they had to take important decisions, they always talked and decided together.  

In some relationships, it can be one person who usually takes the decisions, but this can cause damage to the relationship. If a couple does not take decisions together, one of them may feel that his or her opinion is not taken into account.


If people want to have a healthy, good and long relationship, they have to learn how to consider their partner and take decisions together. Everyone has different opinions and views, so it is difficult to agree on everything with your partner. However, if we communicate from love in a respectful way, truly trying to understand the point of view of our partner, this is going to be easier to do. Another thing that I think is very important is to consider God in all our decisions. If we trusted in the lord and put in him all our plans and doubts, taking decisions in our relationship we will be able to have more peace and a better relationship.


It is important to remember that when we get married, we were no longer one person on our own, we were a team with our couple. In times when we disagree with an opinion or point of view of our partner, we need to communicate in a loving and assertive manner. Although it is very important to set limits and defend what we believe is the best decision, sometimes we will also have to compromise and reconsider our point of view until we reach a mutual agreement and decision. An important thing to do when making decisions is to make them calm at a time when neither of you is angry nor in a state of strong emotion. When we are angry it is easy to say things that can hurt our partner. If you are trying to make an important decision and you both feel overwhelmed, it is best to wait a while until you both feel ready to resume the conversation. 

What do you think about this topic? What are some ways that you think can be useful to take decisions with your partner? I would love to hear your opinion in the comments below! in my opinion, I will always try to put myself in my partner's shoes in order to understand his or her point of view and to make decisions together, trusting in God.  

See you all in another weekly blog! 


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